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By default instances of BuildProcess do not log activity.

There are two loggers that come bundled with build-include.

LoggerSimple - Logs activity to console. LoggerEvent - Actually ignores all logging. This is the default logger used if no other logger is specified.

Custom Loggers can be created by creating a class thet implements the Interface ILogger and a class the implements Interface ILog.

Log to Console

Logging with LoggerSimple

Common JS

import { BuildProcess } from 'build-include/cjs/BuildProcess';
import { LoggerSimple } from "build-include/cjs/log/LoggerSimple";

// include LoggerSimple in the constructor so instance logs to the console.
const bp = new BuildProcess(new LoggerSimple());

const opt = {
  match: {
    kind: "buildIncludeSlash"
  comment: {
    type: "Single"
const results = bp.buildInclude('','./includes/replace.txt', opt);

ES6 Module

import { BuildProcess } from 'build-include/esm/BuildProcess';
import { LoggerSimple } from "build-include/esm/log/LoggerSimple";

// include LoggerSimple in the constructor so instance logs to the console.
const bp = new BuildProcess(new LoggerSimple());

const opt = {
  match: {
    kind: "buildIncludeSlash"
  comment: {
    type: "Single"
const results = bp.buildInclude('','./includes/replace.txt', opt);

NO Logging

Logging with LoggerEvent requires no logger to be passed into constructor.
Due to the fact that LoggerEvent only raises events no actual logging will take place.

Common JS

import { BuildProcess } from 'build-include/cjs/BuildProcess';

const bp = new BuildProcess();

const opt = {
  match: {
    kind: "buildIncludeSlash"
  comment: {
    type: "Single"
const results = bp.buildInclude('','./includes/replace.txt', opt);

ES6 Module

import { BuildProcess } from 'build-include/esm/BuildProcess';

const bp = new BuildProcess();

const opt = {
  match: {
    kind: "buildIncludeSlash"
  comment: {
    type: "Single"
const results = bp.buildInclude('','./includes/replace.txt', opt);

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