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Interface IBiOpt

Internal Options for build settings. Some options are required where as IOpt does not require any options be set. This interface is purly for internal usage. Esentally a mirror of IOpt with some options required.


  • IBiOpt



Optional asJsString

asJsString: undefined | false | true

Determines if replacement should be treated as a javascript string. If true BUILD_INCLUDE replacements files are treated as javascript strings.

Optional breakstring

breakstring: IOptBreakString | number

breakstring options or number that is the default value for width of breakstring. All other values will be default values.



Optional comment

comment: IOptComment

Comment options


encoding: BufferEncoding

Text Encoding

Valid Values

  • ascii
  • utf8
  • utf-8
  • utf16le
  • ucs2
  • ucs-2
  • base64
  • latin1
  • binary
  • hex

Optional fence

fence: IFence | string | number

Fence Options If string then will be parsed as fenceKind using fenceKind.parse


ignoreMissing: boolean

Determins if missing files should be ignored when processing. If true then missing files will be ignored. Oherwise missing files will generate an error.


internal: Record<string, InternalOptType>

for internal use only. Not documented on purpose


match: IMatchOpt | string | number

Number representing a enum value of regexKind
String representing a enum value of regexKind
Complete or partial object matching IMatchOpt options that determine how build_include matches are found. Any omitted values are included from the values of default match MatchBuildInclude


build_include option match

Optional override

override: undefined | false | true

Determines if any settings in the file should be overriden by the settings in the gruntfile. true Gruntfile Setting are overriden; Otherwise, any options in the inline BREAKSTRING_INCLUDE will take priority.


recursion: boolean

Determines if recursion should be used. If recursion is true then build include files will be searched for matches as also replaced in a recursive manner

Optional text

text: IOptText

Text options

Optional verbose

verbose: undefined | false | true

Determins if logging should be done in a verbose mannor. If true then verbose logging will be turned on; Otherwise, normal logging.

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