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Text Code

{text: {
  code: "base64",
  codeKind: "encode"

or inlline text?code=base64&codeKind=encode
Determinses the type of encoding \ decoding to apply.
code and codeKind are both required when encoding or decoding.

Text Code Base64
{text: {
  code: "base64",
  codeKind: "encode"

or inlline text?code=base64&codeKind=encode
Depending on the value of codeKind Base64 encoding or decoding is applied.
code and codeKind are both required when encoding or decoding.

Text Code Base64Uri
{text: {
  code: "base64uri",
  codeKind: "encode"

or inlline text?code=base64uri&codeKind=encode
Depending on the value of codeKind base64uri encoding or decoding is applied.
code and codeKind are both required when encoding or decoding.

Text Code jsString

text?code=jsString JavaScript string encoding \ decoding is applied.

Text Code None

text?code=none - Default: No encoding \ decoding is applied.

Text Code tsString

text?code=tsString TypeScript string encoding \ decoding is applied.

Text Code URI

text?code=uri URI encoding \ decoding is applied.

Text Code URIComponent

text?code=uriComponent URIComponent encoding \ decoding is applied.

See Also: Options Text Code

Build-include Options

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