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Text WhiteSpaceLine

How to process white space lines.

Text WhiteSpaceLine noAction

{text: { WhiteSpaceLine: "noAction" }} or inline text?WhiteSpaceLine=noAction
Default: Take no action. Whites space lines are included as any other line.
See: enum whiteSpLn

Text WhiteSpaceLine noTwoEmptyLn

{text: { WhiteSpaceLine: "noTwoEmptyLn" }} or inline text?WhiteSpaceLine=noTwoEmptyLn
If two or more empty lines are together then they are reduced to one empty line.
See: enum whiteSpLn

Text WhiteSpaceLine noTwoWsLn

{text: { WhiteSpaceLine: "noTwoWsLn" }} or inline text?WhiteSpaceLine=noTwoWsLn
If two or more white space line are together then they are reduced to one white space line.
See: enum whiteSpLn

Text WhiteSpaceLine removeAllEmpty

{text: { WhiteSpaceLine: "removeAllEmpty" }} or inline text?WhiteSpaceLine=removeAllEmpty
All empty lines are removed.
See: enum whiteSpLn

Text WhiteSpaceLine removeAllWs

{text: { WhiteSpaceLine: "removeAllWs" }} or inline text?WhiteSpaceLine=removeAllWs
All white space line are removed. This include white space lines and empty lines.
See: enum whiteSpLn

See Also: Options Text WhiteSpaceLine
See Also: Enumeration whiteSpLn

Build-include Options

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